First Person

One Day on Earth: One gorgeous movie trailer

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We’re excited about the global premiere of “One Day on Earth” at the United Nations this Sunday. The movie records the human experience over a 24-hour period using material crowd-sourced from all over the world.

Oxfam contributed footage to “One Day on Earth” film. We asked our affiliates and partners working in 99 countries across the world to reflect on the specific issues of health and education — and why these are fundamental rights — and then to seek out images and interviews on the subject.

Watch the trailer for the film (it gave me goose bumps…the good kind) and then share with your friends.

One Day on Earth – Global Screening Trailer from One Day on Earth on Vimeo .

Here’s a sample Tweet to get you going:

Oxfam contributed to the unique @onedayonearth documentary (all filmed on 10/10/10). Attend free screening this Sunday! Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Google+