First Person

Djimon Hounsou: Help Oxfam make a difference in East Africa today

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Oscar-nominated actor Djimon Hounsou has supported Oxfam’s work for more than five years.

In the last few years I‘ve had the privilege of taking part in many incredible campaigns led by some of the most inspiring people and organizations. Their fight continues, and the cause is still in need of your help. I’ve spoken about this before, urging you to assist in various crises taking place around the world. Today is no different. Those living in hunger are still living in desperation and their numbers are growing every day.

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Oxfam Ambassador Djimon Hounsou and Kenyan Ambassador Elkanah Odembo spoke at the launch of Oxfam America's GROW campaign in June. GROW is a campaign focused on fixing the broken food system. Photo by Leigh Vogel for Getty Images.

Sadly there are still those that are not aware of the dire need that East Africa is in right now. In an area of the world already ravaged by civil war, the innocent people there are now displaced by one of the worst droughts the region has ever experienced. To some this problem is a world away and is easy to ignore, but I implore you to pay attention. Help us spread the message and raise aid for those that need it the most.

I have worked with Oxfam America for the last decade, having traveled with them to remote areas of Africa to see the amazing work that they do on the ground level. This is not about providing handouts. This is about helping a people to survive. A few years ago I was honored to recite the Charter for Compassion, which is a global commitment to transcend politics, religion, and culture to support one another all throughout humanity from the platform of compassion. I’m reminded now of how vitally important and true those words are.

Many of us here in America and throughout the developed world are uniquely fortunate to not know the devastation of hunger despite the fact that it still lives amongst us. I myself have lived on both sides of this issue having battled hunger and homelessness. Furthermore, I have seen the difference that aid programs and organizations like Oxfam make on a daily basis around the world.

It doesn’t take much. Organizations like Oxfam make it so easy to help. Donate now. And you can help me spread the word about this emergency and how to get involved on Twitter @DjimonHounsou or on Google+.

Right now it’s about a crisis in East Africa, and they desperately need our help, but the bigger picture is hunger itself. Both are issues that can be addressed. There is more than enough for everyone. It is our duty to help those in need, and I’m asking you to do your part as a fellow member of the human race. Thank you in advance for your support. Blessings to you all. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Google+