First Person

Tony the Tiger: “We need to talk”

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Sudden realization that Kellogg is not so great on climate change moves corporate cartoon character to existential crisis.

Check out the latest video for our Behind the Brands campaign, in which Tony the Tiger and the Pillsbury Doughboy suddenly realize their companies, Kellogg and General Mills, are not doing enough in their everyday operations to limit the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

Tony doesn’t think this is so great and the Doughboy is not giggling. They realize that climate change will hurt all of us, and especially people in developing countries who are already struggling to grow enough food and are largely not responsible for damaging the ozone layer.

It gets worse: Climate change is likely to erode profits at the companies where Tony and the Doughboy have been working all these years. The fact that these companies could be doing more to fight climate change, but choose not to, just doesn’t make sense, even to a boy with dough for brains.

That’s why we’re calling on Kellogg and General Mills to do more to limit greenhouse gas emissions in their everyday work, and join us in calling on other companies and governments to fight climate change.

Climate change is the single biggest threat to winning the fight against hunger.  You buy your food from these companies so your voice counts: Tell Kellogg and General Mills to stop climate change from making people hungry.

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