What’s in a family kit?
In the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, Oxfam is working to distribute a variety of relief materials for the comfort and health of those forced to live in camp conditions. Sometimes this aid takes the form of what’s called “family kits”—but, we were wondering, what exactly does one of those kits contain?
The answer just came via email from Kenny Rae, one of our Boston-based colleagues currently in Haiti to help with the relief effort.
“I have one in front of me,” Kenny wrote. Its contents:
2 towels
4 bowls
4 plates
4 knives
4 forks
4 spoons
8 bars laundry soap
4 large cups
2 tubes toothpaste
8 bars soap (personal)
4 toothbrushes
2 hairbrushes
12 packets shampoo
8 packets conditioner
40 sanitary napkins
“The contents are modified for family size where practical,” he wrote, adding that each kit costs US $55 “with costs of assembling and delivery.” Right now, Oxfam is working on delivering 10,000 of these kits to displaced families.